Three people onstage playing the drums

Artists with disability need your help

Artists with disability are vital contributors to Australia’s arts industry, with unique perspectives and lived experiences that challenge and redefine traditional views.

Recent times have shaken up the arts community. The Coronavirus pandemic has seen theatres and galleries closing, festivals cancelled, and many artists out of work. It’s a troubling time for all artists, but for artists with disability, the impact has been even more damaging.

According to Australia Council for the Arts, artists with disability are under-represented, earn less than their counterparts without disability, experience unemployment at higher rates, and are more likely to identify a lack of access to funding as a barrier to their professional development. *

Our artists are resilient and will bounce back, but we need your help. For the last 37 years Access Arts has mentored artists and run career-starting programs across Queensland. Our programs provide emerging and seasoned artists with the foundation blocks for a successful career in the arts.

Today, your donation will ensure our programs continue to make a difference in the lives of artists with disability, and provide even more opportunities for them the excel in their chosen field.

Every donation is important to us, gifts of $2.00 and over are tax deductable.

BSB                                 034 065

Account number            311366

Account name                Access Arts (CPL) Limited


Thank you for helping us to make sure artists with disability can continue their practice.

Pat Swell

CEO, Access Arts


*Australia Council. 2018. Arts and Disability: A Research Summary. [ONLINE] Available at: