
Jeffrey Parker

In 2023, Jeffrey picked up a paint brush for the very first time. It's through his choice of colours and brush marks on the canvas. that you can see Jeffrey's essence in his paintings.

It’s been said that Jeffrey paints from his soul, that his work is inspired by his life experiences and the things that he’s endured throughout that time. 

At the age of 19, Jeffrey experienced a traumatic motorbike accident which left him with spinal cord injury (as an incomplete paraplegic) and an acquired brain injury. He also has a rare condition called Brown-Sequard. Instead of this crippling him, it has turned him into a very stoic, determined man. Jeffrey believes if someone else can succeed at something, then he should be able to have a go and possibly succeed as well. This is something that he has taught his three children and encouraged them to always try. Jeffrey and his wife have been married for 45 years and have an incredible love for one another.  

Jeffrey has always been a keen photographer, winning several awards for his photography over the years. His unique ability to see different angles and shapes in architecture and the way it fits into the surrounding elements, are easily captured, and leave a lasting impression on the viewer. Photographing images in nature such as water flowing over the rocks in creek beds, whispering trees catching the slight breezes, or ocean waves crashing on the rocks, is another way that Jeffrey transports the viewer to the suggested experience of being present in the scene. It is intended that the viewer could imagine the coolness of their hand in the water, feeling of the wind through the trees on their faces or catching the spray from the waves as they crash onto the rocks. 

It was in 2023 that Jeffrey picked up a paint brush for the very first time. It’s through his choice of colours and brush marks on the canvas, that you can see Jeffrey’s essence in his paintings. Unlike his photography, his paintings explore portraiture, with the ability to capture the depth and spirit of the sitter, which are usually people that he has had contact within everyday life. Jeffrey has a natural flare and ability to create what some say, are unbelievable pieces of work in such a short time. Jeffrey Parker is surely a gifted Artist who is an inspiration to so many. 

Featured artworks

Long Forgotten by Jeffrey Parker
Wind in my Hair by Jeffrey Parker
Pain by Jeffrey Parker